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Monday, September 23, 2019

Dental Work - Trapped In A Well With Mike Vick Being Raped by Pitbulls Playing 16 Bit Asteroid Wreckage On Ape Bile 64 (The First 4 EPs) (Placenta Recordings #542 - 2019)

Dental Work - Trapped In A Well With Mike Vick Being Raped by Pitbulls Playing 16 Bit Asteroid Wreckage On Ape Bile 64 (The First 4 EPs) (Placenta Recordings #542 - 2019)





This collection contains the extremely rare first 4 Dental Work EPs that Jay Watson created in Frankfort, Michigan through 2007. Available together for the first time in CD, Cassette, and digital editions via Placenta Recordings. Originally released on hand burned CD-R in scarcely limited amounts, mostly given out to friends to shock, disturb, and turn away.

The ugly side of psychedelia...The mind of Jay Watson in 2007. Lashing out against a mainstream society of musical frauds, saying fuck everyone and everything...Destroying standards in underground music, creating a new, harshly nostalgic whirlwind of gritty beats, anxious notes of violent noise, and a type of sarcastic art one may only appreciate if they knew the value of suffering...Tru outsider music for fans of depression, anxiety, self-medication...Touching on such subjects as the police state, modern cinema, genocide, homicide, suicide, drug abuse, video game nostalgia, true crime, masturbation, being broke, piss tests, the hypocrisy of religion, love for animals and hatred for all humans.

Dental Work - Mike Vick Raped By Pit Bulls (PR #004 - 2007):

Very first Dental Work album - recorded in 2006, released on Placenta Recordings in 2007. All tracks by Jay Watson. Long out of print/rare/collector's item. Protest against animal cruelty and animal abuser/NFL star Mike Vick. Includes the very first DW track ever created "Mosquito Hatches Eggs"...

Dental Work - Trapped In A Well With Various Snakes And Reptiles (PR #005 - 2007):

2nd Dental Work EP released on CDR via Placenta Recordings in 2007. Long out of print/rare/collector's item. Features first real plunge into "Noise" with the opening track "Seriously Cutting Pineapple On The Brink Of Insanity"

Dental Work - 16 Bit Asteroid Wreckage EP (Dadaist Audio #118 + Placenta Recordings #006 - 2007):

3rd Dental Work EP, first non-self released album. Originally released on Dadaist Audio net label based in the Netherlands as a digital download and as a CD-R on Placenta Recordings. Long out of print/rare/collector's item. This marks the first DW release cataloged as "Noise"...

"An awesome stab of Dental Work's music here at Dadaist Audio! This EP took some time before it was released but I can reassure you that it was totally worth the wait and you should all download this and play at maximum volume until your ears fall of bleeding." - Dadaist Audio, Netherlands

Dental Work - Ape Bile (Placenta Recordings #011 - 2007):

The 4th DW EP, self released on CD-R only on Placenta Recordings in 2007. Styles reflect Electronic, Experimental, and Noise, but I feel this is a more appropriate description of the "genres": Digital Ape Grind/Ramen-Core/Cannibal Hustlin' Noise Jambalaya. Long out of print/rare/collector's item. 

Released September 23, 2019

All material written, produced, created, and destroyed by Jay Watson in 2007. Re-issued on Placenta Recordings in 2019...

Dental Work:


#avantgarde #breakcore #comedy #cybergrind #dadaist #darkambient #drugmusic #experimental #gorenoise #grindcore #horror #industrial #JayWatson #Michigan #musiqueconcrete #noise #psychedelic #sarcasm #vaporwave #worldmusic #Detroit

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